Sunday, November 9, 2014

Naples Botanical Gardens - private tours and classes - Adventure Saturday # 8

Hi All!

I know I've posted about Naples Botanical Gardens (NBG) before, but there's a few things I wanted to mentioned about this beautiful place.  Since our first visit there last spring, mom and I have become members.  There are some really wonderful advantages about being members: free admission all year long; first dibs on classes, events, and tours (many of which are also free to members or at a reduced cost).

We made sure we took advantage of some of these bonuses this summer.  We attended some free classes on orchids (which included a tour of their amazing orchid house) and even participated in a tour given by one of NBG's directors.

We were also invited to a members only 'soft re-opening' to view some of the changes and renovations that have taken place at there this past summer.

We've had a wonderful time and there's so much available on their calendar yet to explore:

  • Tai Chi or Yoga in the Garden
  •  Master Gardener Plant Clinics
  • Night Lights
  • Concerts
  • New Exhibits
  • More Classes
  • Family Planting Day & Fall Festival

    It's a pretty safe bet we'll be spending more time at the Gardens this year, taking advantage of what they have to offer.  Check out their events calender or the "Life Long Learning" section of their webpage:   You might find something there you're interested in exploring, too!  :-)

    Adventure awaits!


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