Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Naples Botanical Gardens and the "Nature Connects" LEGO Art Exhibit - Adventure Saturday #3

This past Saturday we found ourselves adventuring at the Naples Botanical Gardens.  First I have to say that I'm ashamed to have lived in Naples for 13 years having never been to this beautiful place.  But as fate would have it, we picked a great time to go.  Why?  LEGOs!  Need I say more? 

The 'Nature Connects - Art with LEGO's' exhibit has been at the Gardens since February.  Unfortunately it closes this Sunday, May 11th, but there's still a little bit of time to go check it out for yourselves.  Nearby each sculpture is a plaque detailing how many LEGO bricks it took to build each piece.  Some were upwards of 40,000.  Even if you're not a fan small plastic building blocks (and if you're not there's something seriously wrong with you) I assure you these remarkable sculptures will awe and delight you. The man behind all the wonderful LEGO madness is Sean Kenney.  This very exhibit will making it's way across America throughout 2016.  Check out his page for a location nearest you.

Now there's still plenty to see once the LEGO exhibit is gone.  The Gardens are divided into several themed exhibits: Asian, Brazilian, Florida, Children, Water, Carribean and then there is an area of mostly untouched preserve.  There is even an Idea Garden where visitors are encouraged to touch the plants and flowers and glean ideas for their own private gardens at home.  

One of the neat things about this place is that they offer a variety events and classes as well: "...gardening, horticulture, nature-inspired art, and our local natural environment."  The nature-inspired art class is right up my alley! Unfortunately, there won't be much available until the fall as the Gardens will be closed from June 2 - Oct 22 for renovations.

Naples Botanical Gardens is splendid way to spend a morning or an afternoon, enjoying nature and strolling through some of the most breathtaking landscaping you'll see anywhere.  Check it out sometime, you won't be disappointed.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Bird Garden of Naples - AS # 2

Last Adventure Saturday took mom and I to the Bird Garden of Naples. Located just a stone's throw away from Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary.  It is the home of over 200 exotic birds as well as the private residence of owner Keri Lohrman.

I have to say, when mom and I first pulled up to the site we weren't really sure what to make of it. From the outside (and I stress from the outside) it didn't look like much... to the point where we considered turning around and taking our Adventure Saturday someplace else.  This is a prime example of the saying 'Don't judge a book by it's cover.'

Our tunes changed immediately upon meeting Keri herself.  She came out to greet us with her adorable (and very well trained) Pitbulls in tow.

Keri is a complete delight.  She is a wealth of information and doesn't waste her opportunity to educate others about the environment, the birds, and even the neighborhood.  Lessons started right away as we were awaiting more visitors and once everyone was accounted for our guided tour began.

While the birds themselves are obviously the highlight and reason for visiting the gardens in the first place, it is Keri's vast knowledge of each of these birds (their names, ages, and individual stories) that really make the tour something special.  As we pass each one she introduces them by name: Morticia and Gomez, Ike and Tina, Murphy, Riley, Popeye, Junior, Stretch,  Olivia, Maximus.... the names go on and on.  I tried to keep track of them but eventually had to give up.

What's more amazing is this woman's patience and her enthusiasm for what she does.  She must've given this tour a million times but she still talks about each bird with the pride of any mother. There were several children on the tour with us and though they interrupted her several times to ask questions she never showed any signs of ruffled feathers (bad pun intended).  She patiently answered and continued on.

I can go on and on about Keri and this wonderful place but it is just something you have to experience for yourself.  The birds are beautiful (and even funny if you get talking to them) and each have their own unique story.  Most were relocated, some were rescued, some are Keri's own pets, and some she is even fostering until their owners can someday come claim them again.  Whatever their stories, they are clearly well cared for and loved. The Bird Garden of Naples is truly a beautiful and magical place to be.

To visit you must contact Keri directly to set up an appointment.  There is no cost to get in, but if you're not moved to donate something towards this remarkable cause then you have a heart of stone.